Monday, December 15, 2008

Hawaii Day 1: Aloha Honolulu!!

December 6, 2008

After a nice long pair of flights from Washington through Atlanta, I finally land in the land of Aloha called Hawaii.

The city of Honolulu is the capital of the state of Hawaii and is located on the third biggest island in the Hawaiian chain called Oahu. When I look at the world map, I realize that I am almost halfway home to the Philippines and Delhi!

For most Indian youth of my age, one of the first exposures to the term "Hawaii" came from a movie called Mr. India in 1987 and the related soundbite is noted in this youtube clip for people who aren't in the know on this topic. Needless to say this song was humming in my head as I landed in Honolulu !!

PS: Sridevi's dancing is nothing like the Hawaiian Luau Dance

Bus # 19/20 takes me from the airport through the Business district and the residential complexes to my hotel in the Waikiki Beach district, the heart of downtown Honolulu. This plce is full of Japanese and Pacific Islanders and I really wonder how this place is still classified as part of the USA.

Going down to Waikiki beach I see a huge amount of residential skyscrapers and these are virtually 50 feet from the ocean. Someday if the sea level rises, I would dread to think of the fate of these high end hotels and homes.

Reached fairly late in the evening so I walked down the beach street Kalakaua Avenue to a place called Kapiolani park and back to my hotel for a good nights rest.

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